With the several military bases in the San Diego area, sometimes civilians run afoul of these facilities and if this happens, you will need an attorney with wide-ranging legal experience in both the civilian and military court systems. Not long ago, a young man accompanied a friend, who was an active member of the military to a Post Exchange (PX) store but made the foolish decision to shoplift a video game. He was quickly approached by Military Police and charged him with a misdemeanor for theft. Clearly embarrassed by his transgression, the young man knew that being convicted of theft charges would severely limit his chances of finding a good job, so he began looking for legal direction, and chose San Diego criminal defense attorney Jessica McElfresh.

Because of her comprehensive experience, attorney McElfresh knew that her client’s case would be handled by the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps, where she effectively negotiated on the young man’s behalf. Eventually, he saw the theft charges dismissed based on the condition that he complete 15 hours of community service at a local food bank. In the end, her client was quite relieved to move on, knowing his lapse in judgment would not result in a haunting conviction.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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