When tempers flare, even the most law-abiding citizen can lose control and an ill-conceived or impulsive act can result in some very serious criminal charges. If your permanent criminal record and in some cases, your freedom are put in danger by a mistake, it is crucial to discuss your situation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Such was the case for a young woman in San Diego when a night out ended with felony menacing and assault with a deadly weapon charges. The woman was apparently unable to locate her car on a crowded street and a male resident confronted her, claiming she was making too much noise. The two argued and even hurled insults at each other in front of several witnesses before the woman finally got into her car to leave. Allegedly, the man stood in front of her vehicle, blocking her exit, and after going around him, she aggressively and repeatedly began speeding up and stopping suddenly. The police were eventually called and the young woman was now put in a very precarious position because if convicted, she could possibly spend some time in prison in addition to a having a haunting mark on her record.
This led her to McElfresh Law and capable San Diego criminal defense attorney Jessica McElfresh, who reviewed all of the available evidence and worked to protect her client’s interests. Attorney McElfresh’s efforts were initially hindered by a lot of confusion at the scene and some difficult witnesses with conflicting stories. Due to her thorough approach to the case and after extensive negotiations with the prosecution, attorney McElfresh achieved a beneficial agreement. This allowed her client to plead to the felony assault with a deadly weapon charge, including 15 days of community service, a three-year period of probation, and a license suspension. If all these conditions are met, her client would be eligible to have the felony offense reduced to a misdemeanor on her record. This essentially allows her client the chance to learn from this unfortunate incident and move on with her life with as little impact as possible, which was an outstanding result, considering the original circumstances that may not have been achievable without such effective legal intervention.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.