Will Sex Offenders Soon Need To Disclose Internet Account Information?

July 15 2016 in Criminal Defense, Felony, Sex Crimes

The California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee voted unanimously to advance SB 448 to the entire Assembly at the end of June. The bill is an attempt by lawmakers to address constitutional concerns raised by a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Proposition 35 that would expand certain sex of...

Concealed Carry Laws Continue to Divide the Nation After Court Ruling

July 8 2016 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog, Media Coverage, Weapons Crimes

In a considerable victory for gun control advocates, a recent 7-4 ruling by California’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals stated that the Second Amendment does not include the right to carry a concealed handgun in public, thereby allowing state restrictions such as California’s requirement to show...

28-Year-Old Man in San Diego Felony Assault Case Avoids Prison

June 22 2016 in Assault, Case Results, Criminal Convictions, Criminal Defense, Felony

Recently, a 28-year-old San Diego man, living in a converted school bus was facing a lengthy prison sentence after an altercation with a homeless man resulted in an assault with a deadly weapon charge. Allegedly, the man exited his bus to use the restroom at a local fast food restaurant, when he was...

Student Avoids Felony Charges Through School’s Discipline Process

June 14 2016 in Case Results, Criminal Defense, Felony

Even the strongest among us can have problems that need attention, but an individual's unfortunate situation doesn't always demand criminal charges. In some cases, putting an individual through the criminal justice system is excessive and it takes a passionate legal advocate to set things right. Not...

Can I Avoid a DUI Checkpoint?

June 8 2016 in Alcohol, Criminal Defense, DUI, Legal Blog

Proponents of DUI or sobriety checkpoints argue that they are an effective means of preserving public safety by reducing alcohol-related deaths and injuries. As such, DUI checkpoints have become a common occurrence in California, particularly on holiday weekends, and this past Memorial day weekend w...

San Diego Shoplifting Charges Won’t Result in Conviction

June 6 2016 in Case Results, Criminal Defense, Theft

When people find themselves in financial trouble, it is very easy to make mistakes resulting in criminal charges. Often times, these unfortunate moments occur when a person is already filled with anxiety and stress, thereby compounding their difficulties. For example, a woman recently found herself ...

Could a Smoking Ban Impact California Colleges?

June 1 2016 in Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes, Legal Blog, Marijuana Charges

The California Assembly voted to pass a measure that would ban all smoking – including e-cigarettes and medical marijuana – on all state university and community campuses. The rule will potentially apply to the privacy of one’s dorm room, as well. To anti-smoking activists, the measure can be...

California Chief Justice Wants to Reform to How State Holds People in Bail

May 23 2016 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

Our San Diego criminal defense attorneys are always on the lookout for new developments in the criminal justice system. Here at McElfresh Law Inc., we have long been concerned about the detrimental effects that the bail system has had on criminal justice. Specifically, “money-for-bail” has resul...

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