Uprooted is a three-part documentary series, produced by Weedmaps, which tells the story behind California’s complicated road to marijuana legalization.
As a long-time advocate and cannabis regulatory lawyer in California, Jessica McElfresh provides legal insights and background as Uprooted details the early underground days of weed in California, the 1996 passage of America’s first medical marijuana law, Prop 215, and how it paved the way to present-day adult-use “legalization” when California voters said yes to Prop 64.
The documentary series dives deep into what’s involved in cannabis legalization, from complications within the justice system, the continued presence of ‘black market’ cannabis, the tax problems, and the everyday worries of legitimate patients, consumers, and retailers in California’s cannabis industry.
You can watch all three parts here.
McElfresh Law provides advice and legal counsel to marijuana-related businesses throughout California about licensing, permitting, compliance, and lawfully operating a cannabis business.
As a highly experienced and passionate marijuana advocate, California cannabis lawyer Jessica McElfresh has helped numerous businesses in the budding cannabis industry. For a consultation, contact McElfresh Law today at 858-756-7107 to schedule an appointment.